
Sleepless Nights!!!

The fairground people have arrived in the village. The rides are being constructed on the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, and on the Coach Park. Some of the stalls have also arrived and everything is in full swing to be ready for the start of Feria on Thursday of this week. That's when the music starts. Every ride blasting out its music at maximum decibels from early evening until la madrugada, for which read so close to morning that it's no longer worth trying to get off to sleep. Our home in the centre of the village is a little too close for comfort to the fairground. But then you don't come to live in Spain if you can't put up with a bit of noise now and then, and this is the annual shindig to celebrate San Antonio de Padua, our patron, and to head off into the river gorge for a romeríawhich is a highly alcoholic pilgrimage, picnic, dance fest, singalong and anything else enjoyable.

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